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Capital. Advice. Research.


We work with great people and businesses who share our values. We offer our capital and practical advice building your business for the long term.

We enjoy what we do and Arlington is proud to work with

some amazing companies.





Level 1/47-48 Piccadilly, London W1J 0DT


Tel: 020 7389 5010


Charlie Cannon-Brookes

Charlie is a director of Arlington Group Asset Management Limited having acquired the business in October 2004. Through Arlington, Charlie has been active in a variety of different investment management mandates and corporate finance transactions. 


simon catt

Simon is a director of Arlington Group Asset Management Limited. He has over two decades of investment banking experience across equity sales and corporate finance in London having joined Arlington from GMP Securities Europe, which he founded in 2007. 


mike dack

Mike is responsible for the finance, operations and compliance functions of Arlington Group Asset Management Limited having joined the firm in 2019. He has worked for a variety of stockbroking firms over the course of his 30 year career in the city gaining extensive operational experience at management level. 


Richard Lockwood

Richard is a special adviser to the board of Arlington Group Asset Management Limited and head of the advisory committee. He was previously the senior resource
fund manager at CQS Asset Management Ltd having merged
his New City Investment Management group with
CQS in 2007. 

the arlington team

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